
The Walls

Hi there!
During the summer we decided to redecorate our rooms a little bit and we want to share the results with you all.
We didn't really want to redo our whole rooms, we just wanted a little change so we decided to do something with our plain white walls. So what did we do? Well, we took out some magazines and cut  everything we liked out. We also had massive piles of cutouts and other pretty things we didn't know what to do with from the past year so we had a lot to choose from.

Natasha's wall had to be simple and cold-hued of course, so we chose some pretty landscapes (mainly sea and sky) to go with minimalistic quotes and white on white photoshoots. And then we added just a few of her favourite things  (Paris postcards, analog film, art gallery tickets) and we were done! 

Now my wall is a whole different story. I wanted it to be colorful, and not that organized at all. And I think that it resembles something more of an art installation than a wall over my bed but whatever. So what we did here is we just took the things I liked and just put them on the wall (even if it was an old record or earphones or an American Apparel bag or a piece of ivy or a necklace, that didn't really matter as long as they went together). To finish it off I took an ikea picture frame (the big oval one) and spray painted it purple, with tiny bits of blue and pink to go with the rest of my wall.

Hope you enjoyed this little post, see you soon! :)

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